Drop us an email on or come and visit.
Shooting is conducted on Wednesdays – Sighting 7-7:45am. Practice 8-10am
Saturday (Fortnightly), 7:30am for 8am start: Sporter, & 11:30am for Noon start: 200 yard Rimfire, followed by short-range Rimfire practice. Very small window between these shoots for sighting, by appointment., and
Sundays on alternate fortnights (Rimfire Competition 8am-10:30am & Shotgun 0800am-10:30am). Fullbore starts weekly at 11am every Sunday.
If you want to come and give it a go, email a day or so ahead and we can provide a rifle, ammunition and instruction.
People from 11 years of age can give it a go (under supervision), after completing a Form 33 declaration. The club currently hosts members and visitors of all ages, shooting across the range of disciplines offered.
Beaudesert Rifle Club, Get an Aim in Life!
Beaudesert Rifle Club Inc.
PO Box 672
Beaudesert, Qld 4285
303 Spengler Road, Tabragalba
PO Box 672, Beaudesert, Qld 4285