303 Spengler Road Tabragalba
The Beaudesert Rifle Club was established in 1903, and has had several homes in and around the township of Beaudesert. Our current location is Spengler Road Tabragalbra. We conduct weekly competitions over ranges from 300 to 600 yards. While the club is predominately a fullbore target rifle club we conduct the following disciplines: Fullbore target rifle, Fullbore F Class, Sporter/Hunter, Field and Rimfire and Shotgun.
308 or .223 Cal fired from the prone position using peep sights.
Any caliber up to 8mm fired from the prone position using telescopic sights and utilising a fore rest and rear rest for the rifle.
Designed for commercially made rifles
.308 or .223 Cal fired from the prone position using telescopic sights and utilising a fore rest and rear rest for the rifle.
F-Class: .22 Cal long rifle. Telescopic sight, bipod & soft rear bag may be used. Field Class shot from standing, sitting/kneeling and prone positions. Target Rifle shot from the prone position using peep/aperture sights.
(Clay pigeon) shooting which is also conducted fortnightly.
303 Spengler Road Tabragalba
303 Spengler Road Tabragalba
303 Spengler Road Tabragalba
303 Spengler Road Tabragalba
303 Spengler Road Tabragalba
303 Spengler Road Tabragalba
303 Spengler Road Tabragalba
303 Spengler Road Tabragalba
303 Spengler Road Tabragalba
303 Spengler Road Tabragalba
303 Spengler Road Tabragalba
303 Spengler Road Tabragalba
303 Spengler Road, Tabragalba
PO Box 672, Beaudesert, Qld 4285